The COVID Colony Conspiracy (and Tragic Photos from Quarantine)

by Pierre Brassau
Disumbrationist.AI (2023)

The potential for vaccine mRNA to convert to DNA and be incorporated into the vaccine recipient's genome "does not exist" (at least, according to mainstream sources.)

The Reality of existence is certainly more nuanced, as we will see.

The truth of the matter is that some viruses (such as HIV) are known to convert RNA to DNA and then incorporate that DNA into host cells' genome, which is one thing that makes the illness difficult to treat.[1]

Coronaviruses are not expected to do this. But, recall that children were not expected to be easily infected with SARS-CoV-2, yet recent evidence shows that children may be infected and shed detectable virus at about the same rate as adults.[2] It is expected now that children will transmit as readily as adults, but there is not data to confirm this as of this time. Expectations can be wrong, and expectations should change to reflect new information as it is learned..

While there is no study demonstrating mRNA from vaccines converting to DNA in-vivo, researchers at Lund University in Sweden published a peer-reviewed experiment that confirmed in-vitro that the mRNA in Pfizer's vaccine converted to DNA in a lab-modified human liver cancer cell. While this is not evidence that the conversion from RNA to DNA is happening in normally-functioning human cells with the protection of a functioning immune system, it certainly doesn't push the idea toward theoretical impossibility.

Notwithstanding, what about the immunocompromised - the very demographic most encouraged to receive the COVID vaccines? The study's authors plainly state that they “don’t know if what we observed in this cell line could also happen in cells of other tissue types” and that other studies will follow to determine this. It is, however, established that RNA from a virus - or from a vaccine - can be incorporated into a cell line. Whether or not the body's immune system can protect otherwise healthy cells against this is unknown.[3]

So why am I writing this, at the risk of having this site labeled as "misinformation"? I will now get to that. And to be clear, sources are cited at the end of this article. The preceding information is scientific fact. To counter or pre-empt any inferences drawn or claims being made in the context of these facts, the mainstream establishment attempts to obfuscate, and through re-wording and ommission, are guilty of precisely the same sort of agenda-motivated mischaracterizations that they decry on their "fact-checking" websites.

Not in dispute by anyone, is that the genome is the set of instructions to build and sustain a human being. DNA is the building block of the body's genetic code and is contained in all cells. Nevertheless, I bring up the possibility of mRNA from the vaccine converting to DNA and incorporating with the vaccine recipient's genome, because if this was to occur, it would quite literally mean that the vaccine was inducing changes to the recipient's genetic makeup.

Such genetic changes have not been ruled out by any study; it has not even been assessed. The Swedish study only tested whether the vaccine mRNA could be converted to DNA, and indeed found that this was the case.[1][3] I discuss this, not to make an assertion or inference, but so that I may introduce even more shocking and controversial occurances on this same topic that cannot be denied, whatever the cause..

Although there are no peer-reviewed studies disccussing it, and doubtless this website's report will be labeled "fake news" and claimed to be misinformation by Big Tech and Big Pharma, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence - and I am about to present it to you in unambiguous full color - documenting what is actually happening to a not insignificant percentage of people who have received an mRNA COVID vaccine, particularly among those already immune-supressed prior to vaccination.

While I have been careful not to display images that could reveal the source of this leaked data and, further, in order to protect privacy, I have not uploaded the "Before" pictures of these tragic patients I will introduce to you; these "After" photos will give you clear indication of what is occurring and in fact, when you have seen all of the photographic evidence, there will be no doubt.

The mainstream media and medical community will say the Quarantine is just par-for-the-course COVID "isolation" and that a modern-day Leper Colony "does not exist," but the photographs of these victims certainly exist, as does the unimaginable misery of undergoing a genetic metamorphasis such as what is happening to them and the cover-ups that ensure the money flows unobstructed from the Government to Big Pharma for these mRNA vaccines (which were developed with tax funding in the first place. But I digress).

Ironically, these patients are not - as would be the case with Leprosy or the Plague - being isolated from society due to infection with COVID-19. Rather they are being hidden away to hide evidence of a terrifying genetic future for a potentially large portion of the population and so as not to cause public panic.

Warning: the galleries on this page should not be visited by sensitive viewers. What you are about to be presented with will shock and horrify...





**note: this AP "fact-checking" article aims to assure that it is not possible for the mRNA in the vaccine to transcribe to DNA, when their own article and the experts they quote say the exact opposite. it's worded such that you might be forgiven for getting a different impression at first glance.

mRNA->DNA translation and transcription process

[gratuitous diagram only tangentially related to the discussion at hand;
it actually depicts the inverse of what is described.]

Below you will find galleries of photos showing the patients - these "COVID Colonists" in quarantine - in various stages of their agonizing mutation resulting from genomic incorporation of foreign DNA after receiving an mRNA COVID vaccine. It's only anecdotal correlation and empirical observation to be sure, but this information about vaccine recipients and the horrors some suffer cannot wait to be disseminated until the science catches up; the public needs to be made aware NOW!

Photo Galleries from the COVID Colony Quarantine Zone

  • 0-dna_from_host_species_used_in_gain_of_function_research
    The indoor facility is largely a live-in medical unit. These photos are from a variety of sources, all taken within days of opening and starting to accept (involuntary) resident patients. Beginning with superficial (skin) changes, and progressing to skeletomuscular metamorphasis, you can clearly see some of these patients taking on a resemblence to other primates or even bats!

  • 1-pangolin-people
    What's worse that physically transforming into a bat? Probably a pangolin. These poor souls appear to mutate their way to complete species replacement.

  • 2-unrecognizable_dna_incorporations
    The situation has become dire for these colonists. I would not be surprised to learn that in these folks, human DNA is now the minority, but what genome they have incorporated mutations from is unrecognizable by sight.

  • 3-rapid_onset_aging_with_early_onset_decomposition
    Another symptom of vaccine mRNA DNA mutations is rapid aging, and even premature decomposition.

  • 4-advanced_stage_pangolinism
    Some folks with the pangolin genome seem to have runaway mutations, with even more unpleasant outcomes. pangolinification. To pangolin, and beyhond.

  • 5-pre-mortum_necrotization
    For some, the body rapidly necrotizes, leading more than a few to premature autopsies or burial..

  • 6-concurrent_decays-aging_decomposition_necrotization
    Some of these are folks seen earlier in gallery #3; this is the progressing pathology of their mutant condition.

  • 7-portraits-siblings_with_similar_mutations
    A family affair. These siblings with a similar morphology sit for a professional photographer.

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