CRTNM is an experimental animated short film written and
directed by a fellow of the "Disumbrationist school of art" movement,
with 25,000+ frames illustrated by an Artificial Intelligence (VQGAN+C+CLIP).
The film depicts a battle - actually, more of
a World War, if you will - between cockroaches and nematodes,
imaginary cephalopods and arthropods, the occasional
crustacean - death and destruction, and growth and rebirth.
See fantastical (and perhaps grotesque) never-before-seen
creatures (that are still somehow immediately familiar and
real) forming factions, forging weapons, merging, (literally,
morphing and exchanging body parts in some cases), battling..
oh and a genocide perpetuated against a frisky mantid-like
The whole conflict may have been started by
some parasitic clowns, but who can say, really?
Some imagery could be interpreted to
represent how we are all made from the same stuff, and all
return to the same stuff in the end, and about how small
changes by degree can be completely imperceptible (as in the Parable of the Boiling Frog), but with
enough of them, one thing transforms to another something
unexpected entirely, right before your eyes.
You might find a moral lesson about how
everyone and everything is grotesque to someone or something
else, just as they are also loved and beautiful.
just watch it and see it on its face, imagery that I wanted
realized because I thought it would look cool. Art is
subjective, right? Just as are what is beautiful or grotesque.
It depends who is doing the looking. I hope you enjoy
the film (or at least manage to make it all the way through!) ;-)